Starcade Results

Eddie Guerrero d. Dean Malenko

Cruiserweight Title Match

The latest battle in one the decade's best feuds did not disapoint fans at Washington’s MCI Arena. While Guerrero tried to keep the pace fast and furious, the Iceman grounded the Champ with power moves and mat holds. The back-and-forth battle came to an end when Guerrero managed to take out Malenko's leg and then quickly strike with his trademark frogsplash. An amazing opening match.

Scott Norton, Vincent and Randy Savage with Miss Elizabeth d. Ray Traylor and the Steiner Brothers with Ted DiBiase
As many insiders predicted, the weak link in this match of superstars proved to be the NWO’s head of security, Vincent. Receiving a mid-match beating, Vincent barely escaped a brutal offensive barrage from Traylor but couldn’t avoid an off-the-top DDT and Frankensteiner. But the NWO eventually prevailed. After Norton dropped Scott Steiner with an off-the-shoulders suplex, Savage-- who admirably stepped in as a surprise substitution for Konnan-- was able to hit his infamous elbow drop. Savage scored the pin.

Bill Goldberg d. Steve "Mongo" McMichael
This, the best match of both Goldberg’s and McMichael’s young careers, featured heated exchanges of power and strength. But Goldberg took all the former Chicago Bear could muster and just kept going. Staking his claim to the title of WCW's toughest customer, Goldberg wore Mongo down, eventually taking the match in a dominating fashion with the Jackhammer.

Saturn with Raven d. Chris Benoit
No Disqualification
Facing the last of Raven’s Flock, Benoit met his most formidable competitor in the former TV Champion. Using his trademark strong style, Saturn interchanged power moves and submission holds, but Benoit took momentum after hitting the Crippler Crossface on the outside. The Flock intervened-- Legal, evidently, in a no DQ bout-- but the Crippler maintained momentum. Hitting a suplex and a headbutt splash, Benoit prepared to take out Saturn. But the Flock struck back, utilizing the no DQ stipulation t0 rush the ring. After suffering a Raven DDT, the former Horseman was easy pickings for the Rings of Saturn and a submission loss.

Buff Bagwell d. Lex Luger
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an irresistable object? Battling for the title "Total Package," Luger made every effort to avenge his losing streak to the NWO’s fastest rising star, Buff. But Vincent’s mid-match appearance gave the Delicious One a few needed assists and a match advantage. In classic Luger style, the former World Champ made a comeback and managed to rack Buff -- but not before referee Billy Silverman was knocked out. The ref-free situation allowed both Savage and Norton to run down and help Bagwell. Luger managed to rack the Madness, but not Norton. Norton clocked Luger and draped his partner over him. Silverman recovered, and gave Buff the three-count.

Diamond Dallas Page d. Curt Hennig
US Title Match
The NWO took out Ric Flair’s leg to protect the US Champ for Starcade. But, instead of saving Hennig, they delivered him to the slaughter. Enter the Diamond Cutter. Page took the best that Hennig had to offer, eluding the Fisherman's suplex with an armbar counter. DDP then spun through a crucifix attempt, going directly into the Diamond Cutter. After the pin, DDP took his new belt into the stands, celebrating with fans in the arena.

Larry Zbyszko d. Eric Bischoff
Special Stipulation Match: Winner gets control of Nitro. Special guest referee, Bret Hart
The match was about more than pride. With Nitro’s future resting on the shoulders of the Living Legend, WCW superstars filtered into the arena to see exiled vice-president Bischoff make his ring debut and, perhaps, score the NWO’s greatest victory. The drama was heightened by the appointment of Bret Hart -- an alleged NWO member -- as referee. Although Hart was strict on Zbyszko concerning the rules, the Hitman showed the world that he wasn’t with the black-and-white express when he clobbered Bischoff after the NWO CEO used an illegal object in the ring. The Hitman then put Hall in the Sharpshooter while Zbyszko choked Bischoff with a belt. Zbyszko won by DQ, saving Nitro for WCW.

Sting d. Hollywood Hogan
World Title Match
The most anticipated match of the decade, Hogan vs. Sting did more than drive the MCI Center crowd into a wild frenzy. Meeting for the first time since the Stinger’s transformation over a year ago, the two superstars proved to be formidable and equaly matched opponents. Sting was free of ring rust and fear; Hogan exhibited the skill and strength that made him wrestling’s most legendary champion. After Sting missed a Stinger Splash and struck the rail on the outside, Hogan managed to set up his opponent for his trademark leg drop. Referee Nick Patrick -- a 'former' NWO member-- gave a lightning-fast three-count and signaled for the end of the match. But Bret Hart, making his second noteworthy appearance for the night, ran to the ring and told Hogan that he would not allow an official cheat a wrestler again. Hogan tried to leave, but Hart threw him back in the ring, allowing Sting to strike again. Vicious and Delicious tried to stop the continuation, but were thwarted by both Hart and Sting. After several Stinger splashes, the Silent One applied his Scorpion Deathlock and got the submission. Hogan had been defeated and WCW had recovered its esteemed World Title. Post-match, WCW wrestlers flooded the ring to congratulate their champion. Sting responded by climbing the ringposts and ending his silence with his trademark Stinger screams.